April 27, 2001 

I always wondered why that little Italian restaurant by our home always seemed to be so packed on weekends. Now I knowW

 April 23, 2001 

What's really funny is that some DC Bloggers went to a "Taxation Without Representation" rally recently... and I thought to myself, they finally understand. I did not, at the time, know about the pending legislation Mr. Goldberg writes of. W

 April 22, 2001 

I celebrated Earth Day by driving my SUV all around the town today. It seemed to work - the weather was much warmer today. W

Idiot plaintiffs' lawyer Peter Angelos (owner of the Baltimore Orioles and big-time Democratic donor) plans to sue cell phone companies. He's got a pretty lame case:

The lawsuits allege links between cell-phone use and an increased risk of brain damage, genetic irregularities and other health problems, but no claim that anyone suffered an illness. [emphasis mine]

And oh yeah.... he's got no evidenceW

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