It's no secret now that California is facing a severe power shortage and soaring electricity prices to boot. Rolling blackouts that hit the state late last year are very likely to continue this summer for who knows how long. What's a frustrated power consumer to do?
The answer is simple: Roll Your Own Price Caps! Politicians all over the state, from the Governor on down, have been calling for federally-imposed price caps. But at this point, it doesn't look likely that the feds are going to cap your power bill. It's time to take action into your own hands!
In response to this energy shortage, here's what you, the consumer, can do to simulate your very own price caps. At 7:00 p.m. on July 1, 2001, turn all your power off - thermostat, applicances, computer, everything. Then leave them off, for good. You may want to stock up on candles first.
Welcome to your very own Price Cap! Your power bill should now drop through the floor as you experience first-hand the effects of price caps on scarce commodoties. As any Eastern Bloc refugee knows, the best way to solve a supply-and-demand problem is to legislate it out of existence. If your leaders won't take charge, then do it yourself by banning all power importation into your home.
Get creative! Think of ways to bring your Price Caps to work, to school, to your entire community!
Don't forget to send us updates on how your Price Cap works. During daylight hours, scribble your note
on a piece of recycled paper and mail it to someone outside California who might have power and e-mail,
and ask them to send it to me.
Good luck!