Bret has it right: for Glenn Reynolds to say that Neale Talbot doesn't quite get blogging is absolutely ridiculous. It shows that Professor Reynolds engaged in some uncharacteristic laziness - a simple glance at the archives would have shown that Neale has ben "getting" blogging since November 5, 1999 (just a few days before this author). Not only is it lazy, it's arrogant, that the Johnny-come-lately Reynolds claims to have a monopoly on "getting" blogging. Well, at least he admits he wasn't in his right mind when he posted it.
On the other hand, I've read InstaPundit for long enough to know that Reynolds blogs for the same reason I do - he loves to shoot his mouth off about politics. He doesn't say it in so many words, but it's obvious from his writings. He didn't start blogging with a profit motive in mind, and his current use of the "tip jar" to accept donations doesn't prove that he's now trying to profit from tragedy. Neale's insistence that it does... well, that's just more linkslutting. Enough post hoc ergo propter hoc and the whole world goes blind.
Posted by wasylik at April 10, 2002 05:58 PM