February 20, 2002

Matt's most recent installment on

Matt's most recent installment on his fraternity experience as an alumnus advisor was very timely for me. I spent a recent weekend in faraway Charlotte, NC, at a regional leadership conference for members of my fraternity.

Matt's post made me realize that I haven't seen too many fellow bloggers discuss their own experiences in the Greek system, partly because most bloggers didn't have an experience "in" the Greek system, but from outside it.

Now, I'll admit that in many, if not most places, fraternities have strayed far from the intent of their founders. Some forward-thinking national organizations understand this, and have begun dramatic, fundamental changes - changes which both return to the roots of their founding ideals, but also make the groups relevant to life in the 21st century. I believe that mine is one of those. If it wasn't, I wouldn't waste my time.

I think bloggers, as a whole, are very close to the original ideal of the Greek-letter organizations - intelligent, idealistic, interactive, and just to break my alliteration and parallelism, the bloggers I read value excellence above mediocrity - what some call "elitism."

I'd like to see more bloggers talk about their own experiences in the Greek system, if they had them, and if not, what kind of values an organization would have to hold dear to appeal to them.

Posted by wasylik at February 20, 2002 04:13 PM