November 15, 2001

Texas Got Shafted

Donnie sez: Texas got shafted in its most recent re-districting plan, released by three federal judges. As opposed to the last judicially-drawn map, this one protects all current incumbents and preserves a Democratic majority in its House delegation despite a strong Republican lean for the state as a whole.

I don't understand why judges are drawing Congressional districts in Texas; it's a political process and should be handled by political, not judicial, officers. Apparently Texas law provides that the judges have to step in only when the legislature fails to do thier jobs.

I've got a better idea. If the Texas legislature can't come up with a map, they lose their jobs. Period. Anyone in Texas want to take that up as a referendum?

Posted by wasylik at November 15, 2001 09:35 AM | TrackBack
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