When Creative Labs Disc Detector gets nuked by the newest beta version of WinAmp, follow these steps:
First, you will want to ensure that Disc Detector is enabled. Click the Start button and then Settings, Control Panel. Double click the Disc Detector icon. The box next to Enable Disc Detector should be checked. If it is not, check it and then click Ok.
If this fails to fix the problem, uncheck Enable Disc Detector. Click the Start button and then Find, Files or Folders. If you are running Windows ME or Windows 2000 it will Start, Search, for Files or Folders. In the Named field type MEDIADET.LOG. The Look In field should say (C:), if it does not click the down arrow and select the (C:) drive. Click Find Now or Search Now. Delete the file named Mediadet.log by right clicking on the file name and selecting Delete. Now reopen Disc Detector. Recheck Enable Disc Detector and click Ok.
Worked for me.
Posted by wasylik at November 7, 2001 08:12 PM | TrackBack