No matter what he may or may not have done that we don't know about yet, the things that we do know Gary Condit has done get more disgusting by the day. Yeah, so he had an affair - maybe even several. Not even news in Washington anymore.
But then he lied to cover it up - when his truthfulness might have helped police find his missing mistress. Condit, like Clinton, apparently believes that lying to cover up an affair is simply a natural and understandable human reaction, and that it's ok no matter who it hurts. Not anymore.
As if he weren't making things bad enough trying to save his own skin, Condit has now gone out and hired a private lie detecter expert to grill him about the case. Unsuirprisingly, he passed with flying colors.
Even if the Congressman is not involved with Chandra Levy's disappearance, he's doing his very best to make himself look guilty. Polygraphs are notoriously unreliable. Now we know that so, too, is the Congressman from California.
Posted by wasylik at July 14, 2001 09:17 PM