June 21, 2001

Lura takes on Lichtman

Lura takes on Lichtman in her latest entry. She argues that Lichtman doesn't care about the Democratic party - he cares about getting a little press:

Alan Lichtman is a publicity whore, and a popinjay. I cannot count on my fingers and toes how many times the history lounge was closed to students as a result of a television interview with Lichtman. If he got a haircut, we knew that he'd be appearing on CNN that day. But he'd talk to anyone with journalist credentials.... It could be a mid-term election for PTA Bake Sale Co-President and he'd discuss his opinion with the press.

His findings regarding Florida sure achieved that, didn't they? Now they've gotten him the front page of the Washington Times. Mission accomplished, professor.

Posted by wasylik at June 21, 2001 03:06 PM