Remember all the high-minded talk among right-wingers in 2000 about how awful it was that Clinton let politics ("shame! shame!") influence some of his policy decisions? Remember how Bush promised leadership based on "principles, not politics"? As Britney would say, "Oops!" It turns out that many recent White House policies that seemingly contradict Bush's standing positions on major issues just so happen -- coincidentally, no doubt -- to affect Florida, Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Missouri, all key swing states for Bush.
Well, Matt has apparently failed to notice that those same "high-minded" conservatives have roundly criticised Bush soundly for any move he makes that is rooted in politics instead of principle. The steel tariff? Check. The farm bill? Check. Perceived "wobbliness" in the Middle East? Check. (Although the President blew that perception out of the water this week.)
By contrast, consevatives didn't criticise Clinton for his sell-out moves - they rejoiced. What Dick Morris called "triangulation," was better called "capitulation," and every ideological victory - welfare reform, tax cuts, and so on - got chalked up on the scoreboard with gratitude.
Now it's time to hold Bush's feet to the fire.
Posted by wasylik at June 25, 2002 04:55 PM