September 20, 2002

Corn Flakes Are Murder

Thanks to Quare, I now have a response to self-righteous vegetarians who think meat is murder:
Cornflakes are murder, too.

Millions of animals are killed every year, Davis says, to prepare land for growing crops, "like corn, soybean, wheat and barley, the staples of a vegan diet."

But here's the delicious irony of the matter. Like solar power plants that get spiked by conservations looking to preserve the viewshed, the solution to this problem will drive a wedge right down the center of the environmental movement. Farms that produce more in smaller space using high-yield technology will have a smaller footrpint on the land, and ultimately, have a lesser environmental impact. What are these high-yield technologies? Tractors. Fertilizer. Pesticides. Genetically modified crops. All the things that eco-activists love to hate. But if they mean that we can use less land to feed the people we already have, then ultimately these high-yield technologies give the envirnmental movement exactly what they have said all along they want - less disruption of natural ecosystems.

Be careful what you ask for - you just might get it.

Posted by wasylik at September 20, 2002 12:53 PM
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