I think Julian has it right on his two big points. First, the D.C. police are frightening in their incompetence and facism, and are a prime example why a self-armed citizenry should be our preferred crime deterrent. Here in Virginia, the citizens are armed and the police are both competent and reasonable for the most part. In D.C.? Well, Chandra Levy's bones still cry out for justice and every six months the city has a multi-million dollar slugfest in which addle-headed anti-capitalists wearing mass-produced Birkenstocks get their non-functional brains beaten in.
Julian's second major point is akin to the broken clock being right twice a day. On occasion, the lefties get some ideas that actually make sense, but for the most part, they don't understand why outside a "we're all connected" sensibility that arises from the desire to squelch serious discussion rather than foster it. God forbid anyone actually question their beliefs or the supposed facts those beliefs are based on.
Posted by wasylik at September 30, 2002 10:15 PM