October 11, 2002

The Kind of Thing You'll Never See on Medley

Lyn uncovers an example of media bias, namely an attack piece against Dr. W. David Hager, a potential appointment to an FDA advisory panel on women's health. The article agrees with Lyn's own ideological bias - anti-religion and pro-abortion-rights - and just by coincidence, Lyn fails to comment on the obvious bias and factual distortions in the article.

Notice how similar the article is to this call to arms from the Feminist Majority. The first several paragraphs address Dr. Hagen's religious beliefs with the obvious insinuation that they somehow make him less qualified to hold a government post; there is only one sentence, buried in the middle of the third paragraph, that even claims to represent an actual policy position the doctor has taken.

The Time article, by contrast, doesn't even come up with an actual policy position - it describes Dr. Hagen soley by reference to his religious faith.

This is disgusting bigotry, and the liberals who embrace it need to do some serious soul-searching.

Posted by wasylik at October 11, 2002 12:15 PM
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