Political Wire cites a Robert Novak story that says the Bill Simon campaign may be rising from the ashes, much to everyone's surprise after Simon's recent magnificent blunders.
The nightly tracking poll taken for the California Teachers Association, made available to Republicans last Friday morning, was startling. Thursday night's telephone interviews about the race for governor showed beleaguered Republican candidate Bill Simon leading Democratic Gov. Gray Davis 34.2 percent to 33.7 percent. The three-day tracking roll gave Davis a mere 2.7 percentage point lead.
I assume that the CTA is a left-leaning group, so that would seem to rule out the possibility that this is a partisan poll slanted in Simon's favor. In fact, I would think the opposite would be true. So the governor's mansion is still within reach for Simon, with turnout being the crucial deciding factor. (If this is true, then Davis will still have a huge advantage since Democrats almost always do better with knock-and-drag operations.)
Posted by wasylik at October 21, 2002 11:31 AM