February 03, 2003

Feeding Frenzy

Michael Sippey asked a while ago, If you could put anything into an RSS feed, what would it be?

This morning I thought about that topic just a little bit and can see a dozen or more blindingly obvious ideas for lawyers. First is that every court that uses the web to post opinions could throw up an RSS feed for them. The stream would include court, case name and number , reporter citation(s) if any, the type of opinion (i.e. is this an appellate decision, summary judgment opinion, motion to dismiss, etc.) and an even more sophisticated feed might include the general area of law, a list of cases and statutes cited, and so forth.

How about jury verdicts? The plaintiffs' bar loves to track that kind of information, and many legal sources provide it. How about an RSS feed including jurisdiction, verdict, area of law, and so forth.

The list is endless. How about a CFR feed? New administrative regs, and so forth. Medley recently reported that the federal government has created www.regulations.gov, a new web portal for access to exactly that kind of information. Could they put up an RSS feed? [note: even though the title graphic says "regulations.gov," don't forget the heading "www" or it won't work.]

I'll bet Marty would love a trademark registration feed. Patent lawyers would want one, too, if they could agree on who got the royalties.

Any other sharp legal minds out there with ideas for RSS feeds?

Posted by wasylik at February 3, 2003 10:11 AM | TrackBack