March 07, 2003

Long Time No Blog

Yes, it's been a while since my last update, but it's been a helluva ride hte last few weeks. Besides the demands of my work schedule, apparent to those who read about my all-nighter, (brief filed successfully, and then opposing counsel had the cheek to request an extension for the reply!) and getting everything in order for my trip (more on that later) Dineen and I both lost days when she had to go to the hospital for a kidney infection.

No worries, she's fine now and the baby is healthy as a horse and kicks twice as hard. But still, that was a big diversion of my ever-diminished mind share lately.

I expect the next few days will be quite hectic, but filled with blogging nonetheless.

Posted by wasylik at March 7, 2003 08:00 AM | TrackBack
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