August 29, 2003

Interview by Krempasky

Mike asks, and I answer.

1. You've got a son, brand-spanking new. Give me five words, no commentary, describing how your outlook/perspective has changed.

More responsibility. More love. Incredible.

2. In your practice of law, have you ever been tempted to use the "vigorous defense of your client" excuse to do something you'd not be proud of?


Ha! I always tell my clients, "only answer the question that was asked." So if I followed my own advice, I would stop there. But that wouldn't be fair in the spirit of the interview.

The full answer is that, even when tempted, I've never seriously considered doing anything unethical for the benefit of a client. And in truth, the lawyer's call to be a "zealous advocate" for the client should never be interpreted to be a call to exceed the bounds of ethics.

3. What's it like not having Steve Spurrier to hate in Florida anymore?

Just because he's moved doesn't mean I like him any more. Fortunately, he's moved to a pro team I never really liked - the Redskins - and this gives me an opportunity to dislike him here and take delight in his inevitable misfortune as an employee of Dan Snyder.

It's odd because his new team has colors and a logo that look suspiciously like the Florida State colors and spear logo. At a pre-season game last year, I wore my Florida State gear, in proud garnet and gold. When 'Skins fans assumed I was one of them, I knew they has failed the reading comprehension test.

Of course, now that Spurrier has left Florida, it's easier to pity the Gators than hate them.

4. Future legal career: Judge or high-powered partner. Assume you can only do one for the rest of your life, and why.

No contest: a judge has power - often great power - but that power comes at a great sacrifice of freedom, in speech, action, and conduct. To me, power is an ends mainly to guarantee my own freedom and well-being, so if I had to give up that freedom to acquire the power, even to do good for others, I'd choose to turn it down. Besides, I'd never make it through a confirmation hearing.

And I'm already a partner at my firm, and like it quite a bit.

5. Would you ever move back to Chicago, and why or why not?

Permanently? Never. I hate winter. Otherwise, though, Chicago is a great town and I love to visit during non-winter months whenever I get the opportunity.

Might I ever move back to Florida? Absolutely, if I got the chance.

The rules:

  1. If you want to participate, leave a comment saying "interview me."
  2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
  3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.
  4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
  5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

So, let me know if you want to get cross-examined. I hope you do - I can think of about a dozen folks I'd love to interview.

Posted by wasylik at August 29, 2003 02:52 PM | TrackBack
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