Four years is a long time. It's a presidential administration. It's enough time to earn a college degree or a high school diploma (with time to spare, if you take out summer vacations). It's enough time to go to law school, take and pass TWO bar exams, and begin a legal career in earnest.
Time enough for major life changes.
Four years ago today, this weblog said "Hello, world!" Most of the links from those first few days are broken, in a testament to the impermanence of the web. This blog is 28 in dog years, but virtual millennia in Internet years. (Ha! Virtual! Get it?)
Last year I pondered some about how I've changed and I won't repeat that here, other than to note that the big event of this year - the one that blows all the others away - is that I became a dad to the most amazing little man I've ever met. I never imagined how much joy he would bring, but if you look at the pictures, you'll see it on my face and his. (And Dineen's face as well.)
Where will I be in four years? I cannot begin to say, since four years ago I never could have guessed where I would be today. (Although two years ago I made some good guesses.)
In celebration of WOIFM's four years on the web, I've created a new skin: lime. Enjoy.
Posted by wasylik at November 19, 2003 06:36 PM | TrackBack