April 01, 2004

I'm Feeling Lucky

Too bad I'm not licensed in California, have no desire to live there, and probably lack the "strong academic credentials" they have in mind. Otherwise, I might jump at the chance to be Google's Intellectual Property Counsel.

Google is looking for an attorney to assist with intellectual property issues. This position will be involved with a wide range of intellectual property issues. The substantive areas include copyright, framing, linking (including deep-linking), defamation, etc. And the legal work for these substantive areas ranges from advice to implementation to litigation support. Indeed, the only intellectual property matters with which this position will not be deeply involved are matters that are strictly patent or trademark in nature, which are handled by other existing Google lawyers.

Maybe I'll send in a resume just to see what they have to say.

Thanks to Mike for the link.

Posted by wasylik at April 1, 2004 04:17 PM | TrackBack
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