May 22, 2004

WordPress 1.2 Released

All you MT license protestors take note: WordPress 1.2 is out.

My favorites in the feature list:

  • Sub-categories: Categories can be arranged hierarchically and infinitely deep. Multiple categories combined with sub-categories gives WordPress the most comprehensive taxonomy system of any blogging software available.
  • RSS and LiveJournal Importers: The new RSS import script is the closest thing to an universal importer. It allows you to import entries from Radio weblogs even other blogging tools that we may not support specifically. The LiveJournal importer finally lets you have a full blooded self-hosted weblog without losing all your old LiveJournal posts.

You may have your own faves.

I'm not switching to WordPress yet - I'm playing with a copy but don't really grok it yet - but I can see a near future where I might make the switch.

Posted by wasylik at May 22, 2004 08:42 AM | TrackBack