Steve Gilliard presents a different view of Ronald Reagan.
He faults Regan for pandering to racists, for mishandling foreign policy, for breaking the power of unions, for failing to provide government funding for health care, curtailing abortion, and myriad other sins of comission and omission.
Like those who would deify Reagan, Gilliard is guilty of oversimplification and sins of omissions. None of what happened in the 80's was solely due to Reagan, good or bad, and not everything turned out the way Gilliard describes it, and not everything that did happen is as evil as Gilliard would like to think.
Of course, Gilliard isn't looking for converts, he's preaching to those who already share his convictions.
Link via George.
Posted by wasylik at June 7, 2004 07:04 PM | TrackBack