June 27, 2004

Poker With the Dictator

Jamie saw the whole thing:

DC: (lays cards on the table) I've got a straight flush.
SH: (lays one card on the table and crumples up the other four before throwing them into Syria) I have a queen of hearts! I win! You must fear me and my bushy beard!
DC: Right. The odds are astronomical that you have a higher hand than mine if you only showed me a queen and threw the other cards away. I'll just go ahead and take that pot.
SH: Stop that! I won! You have no proof! I had five aces in my hand! This is a trick of the Joooooos!

It goes on, featuring appearances by the New York Times and Colin Powell.

Posted by wasylik at June 27, 2004 03:16 PM | TrackBack