[February 28, 2000 ]
Throught the magic of referrer logs, I just discovered that there's a
new Contradiction up at
NeoFlux. Besides giving us some more overexposure of Jessica Beil, Schlyer says exactly what I've been thinking all along about John McCain.
[February 27, 2000 ]
Hey to both of you still checking this page. Sorry I haven't been updating, but my life has taken
a turn for the busy side. Between career planning and wedding planning
I've got zero time to play on the web. Then there's my AOL crashing, which further prevents
updates... Anyway, I'm looking at a new hosting option and domain name. I'm probably going
to start using Blogger so I can update remotely instead of relying on the AOL
ftp (that's fubar transfer protocol). And yeah, I'll probably do a redesign, too.
You'll know when it happens. Until then, thanks for your patience - I'm not dead yet.
This went live days ago, and you've already seen it, but
Derek's much
anticipated weblog article is out. Hey, he doesn't hate us after all. Well, not all of us.
This is a cool idea, and quite the elegant solution to a much-debated problem: RiotHero's opt-in check box to
open new windows on a link. Mark, is that your idea, or were you "inspired" by someone else? Either way, a great solution.
Thanks for Nik at Fairvue for the thin link. Also cool and elegant.
[February 13, 2000 ]
Our characteristically distinguished President is signaling that he will veto a Congressional plan to eliminate the income tax penlaty against married couples. I'm pretty peeved - again.
Just because he's about to be single again is no reason to have rest of the country foot the bill.
[February 12, 2000 ]
I am extremely pumped - I just found out that one of my favorite Florida bands, formerly with the now-defunct EMI Records, has signed with Egg Records
and has been recording some new songs, one featured on the soundtrack
for the movie Southie. Their site isn't live yet, but do a little directory browsing: The Hazies.
Sorry I've been so lame about updating. (I know both of you who read this page are extremely disapppointed.) I've been crazily busy this week, and it doesn't look like it's letting up soon. In the meantime, check out the revamped portal.
[February 8, 2000 ]
Bradley advocates Federal intervention into the design of state flags. Panders the Senator:
That flag will come down... Al Gore and I say: Take the flag down.
Why the hell is anyone other than the people of South Carolina entitled to make that decision?
A New York State of Mind? The Washington Post is reporting
that Hillary Clinton's campaign staff is blaming a "sound guy" for playing Billy Joel's "Captain Jack" at the announcement of her run
for U.S. Senate. For those not familiar with the song, the full lyrics are availble here.
A small sample:
Your sister's gone out, she's on a date And you just sit at home and masturbate...
Latest Zogby polls show HRC trailing her likely opponent, Rudy Giuliani.
[February 7, 2000 ]
The foundation of campaign finance reform is that the donors are the problem, rather than the politicians or the power that they wield. Michael Allen explores this flawed premise.
I do not want there to be any power for special interests to manipulate. If the current political system was eradicated, it would make no difference how much money was in politics, for it would buy nothing.
He's got a point - ain't nobody sending me any checks.
It's official: No irony included. But the point was not missed.
[February 6, 2000 ]
Fresh SNoT. That is, a sepia-toned resdesign.
Did I really say "fiddle-dee-dee?"
Happy Biiiiiiiiiirthdaaaayyy dear Ronnie, Happy Birthday to yooooooouuuuuuu......
Ronald Reagan envisioned a smaller Government, a greater America.
Remember what it was like when we had a President in the White House?
Well, fiddle-dee-dee! Somehow I got five scoops today.
[February 5, 2000 ]
I hope Derek is being "ironic" again:
You know, being a jerk is just so easy. It's a pity someone so talented is wasting it in a sad attempt to annoy everyone. Pissing in the pool does not make it a hot tub.
But I'm afraid he simply missed the point. I'm not aware of anyone (besides Derek) whose reaction was anything other than amusement.
During the course of planning our honeymoon, we discovered
the Rand McNally ExploreMaps
feature. Cool, just friggn' cool.
Confused about the rules for Roth IRA accounts? Look to the Motley Fool for a series of articles:
[Part I]
[Part II]
[Part III]
[Part IV]
Two from ObscureStore:
1. They must have been econ students at my alma mater to make a 100% profit in one transaction. I wonder if they all smiled for the camera.
2. It's a great day in America when victims are armed and criminals are in danger.
Another time, he says, he took away a robber's gun and beat him with it.
Mr. Abrahim is a true American hero.
A new Libertarian Party press release on hate crimes:
If Al Gore really believes what he says about hate crimes,
then he should immediately turn himself in to the police, and accept
punishment for what his campaign staff and supporters did to Senator
Bob Kerrey.
The actions of Gore's supporters smack of the type of crimes which would incur extra
criminal penalties under the Hate Crime bill [S.622]
promoted heavily by Gore. Hypocrite? You decide. (I also wonder if they don't violate election laws of some kind...)
[February 4, 2000 ]
UPDATE: The American Mind came up with
the direct link to Moore's article.
So far, I've heard a lot of people say that Austria's new governing coalition are a bunch of Nazis,
but I've never heard anyone back it up. The new ruling coalition won roughly 60% of the parliamentary seats and the EU responds by boycotting. So, democracy is okay for Ireland,
and Russia, but not for Austria?
Here's the Freedom Party platform, in English.
We stand for a liberal democratic republic on the basis of general human and civil
rights. Neither can these rights be abrogated by democratic means. Democracy guarantees the
highest degree of liberty and justice, in it all law must in fact originate from the people.
However, democracy may not lead to the oppression of a minority by the majority, nor to
exclusion. Tolerance is also necessary for its realisation.
Seems pretty innocuous to me.
Neale has delivered as promised.
[WOIFM] is strangely reminiscent of a dirty arsehole...
I think that calls for a new banner. For the record, I'm libertarian in most respects, but I do love to abuse everybody.
The answer to Kottke's shootout question: fire three shots at each, reload, and shoot again if necessary, all before they get a first shot off.
Nothing in the rules bars multiple firing. Failing that, shoot the guy who wrote the stupid rules.
Quoth the Medal of Honor recipient, Senator Kerrey:
I am a cripple - that's the only [bleeping] honest thing they said all day.
...in response to Gore campaign workers
hurling mud and insults at him in New Hampshire. Kerry, a class act in a party sorely in need of more, refused
to hold Gore responsible for the acts of his staffers. Not surprisingly, Gore also refused to hold his staffers
Cato scholar Stephen Moore was quoted by the Federalist Society:
[A]rguably Bill Clinton's greatest economic achievement has been that
almost all of his cockamamie policy ideas were never enacted into law. Remember the
BTU tax? Remember Robert Reich's $50 billion fiscal stimulus package? Remember most
of all, Hillary's health care plan? Thankfully, we dodged all of these economic
wrecking balls.
Clinton's greatest legacy, besides reinventing the Oval Office, will likely be his role in the revolution of 1994.
[February 3, 2000 ]
Quoth Evan:
That reminds me, I need to bring back some of my old content (not that it's interesting or anything, but at least there'd be more there here). I predict, the next big thing in weblogging will be actually have a rest of a site -- wherein, the weblog is but a feature.
Good idea.
We didn't like him until New Hampshire said it was ok: McCain gets a 25-point poll boost from his NH primary victory.
Is there any better proof that voters are sheep?
Hop on the cool kid bandwagon.
Pixelbaby has a link page, the top of which reads:
Places I like enough to wanna visit again, and again, and again...
And the entire page is blank. Ironic comment? A table rendering error gone horribly symbolic? A reflection on the drudgery of the web? You decide.
I find myself gleefully anticipating Neale's POD.
Ummm... probably because you keep them in the toilet bowl.
When your best just isn't good enough.
When I saw this URL in a list of trade associations, I had to check it out: http://www.wildblueberries.com/. Isn't it somehow refreshing?
Quoth Mark, in error:
The only problem I have with capitalism is that it's causing the rich to becomer [sic]
richer and poor to become poorer.
Wrong on two counts. First, the rising tide has raised all boats - our poorest today are better off then the poorest of ten years ago, in terms of absolute wealth.
Second, many of yesterday's poor have climbed the socio-economic ladder, while today's poor are frequently new arrivals, such as new immigrants. (This is a significant
portion of poverty in Texas which is unfairly pinned on Gov. Bush.)
And if you believe in "equality - no authority" then you're pretty much
talking about free market capitalism with no government restraint. Over the next few years,
you'll have the chance to take some economics classes - I highly recommend it. Also, try
subscribing to Reason to hear more from folks who believe
in more freedom and less authority.
[February 2, 2000 ]
I don't quite see it. This:
Too many users are currently using the server. Please try again later.
...is allegedly an anagram of "What's On It For Me?". Try it again.
In a fit of temper, John McCain cursed and savagely beat his campaign manager for not getting a wider margin in New Hampshire.
After carefully consulting a number of sophisticated computer models, Punxsutawney Phil advised that the global climate will remain cool for another six weeks.
Bring it on, capitalist Yankee pig-dogs.
[February 1, 2000 ]
Well, some of the polls haven't even closed yet, but the pundits are chalking up a win for McCain.
Again, I think the importance of this event was dramatically overstated. In 1996, Pat Buchanan edged out Bob Dole
and had a strong showing in Iowa. That wasn't enough to win him the nomination.
By contrast, McCain skipped Iowa altogether and now pins his hopes on
South Carolina, a veritable promised land for the party's anointed.. Huh? In any case, there's a pretty good New Hampshire Primary site with a bunch of historical links. Enjoy.
Today the party faithful in New Hampshire go to the polls to pick their party nominee.
News hacks are saying that Bradley
is finished if he doesn't win there. Why do the political parties give so much power to a tiny fraction of the nation's voters? And why in
the world would they further dilute their own significance by allowing open primary voting? The
whole point of the primary election exercise is for members of a political party to select the
nominee who best represents their views and interests. Open primaries, where non-party affiliates
vote, completely subvert that process. Why would Democrats, for example, allow someone like me
to vote in their primary, when I'm most likely to vote for the Dem candidate who is least likely
to win? That's like letting Canadians vote for President.
This is a few days old, but Gore gets caught in another lie, this time about campaign finance reform:
Gore not only did not, but could not have cosponsored McCain-Feingold. Russ Feingold
was not elected until 1992. Al Gore quit the Senate in 1992 to become Vice President. Feingold
and Gore never served together.
Get youself a spiffy new redesign - all the cool kids are doing it.
And here's a good reason to get a digital camera... so the Kodak guy doesn't
call the cops on you,
you pervert.
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