woifmPhoto by Michael Alex Wasylik.  All rights reserved.


[April 8, 2000]

If someone you love has a new arrival, why not send a Savings Bond as a gift? W

That cracking sound you hear is the bandwagon breaking as my gargantuan mass piles onto it: WOIFM Laboratories announces its newest innovation, resulting from countless man-hours, billions of dollars invested, surreptitious source-code viewing and meticulous cutting and pasting - okay, mostly the latter two - the "Open links in new window" Check BoxTM! This new dual-state interactive navigation aid gives you, the end user, the barest hint of control over a page which is almost completely out of control. Using this revolutionary new feature, you the user can decide whether to crash your browser by opening yet another window instead of crashing your browser by opening those links in that same old window you currently use.

Disclaimer: WOIFM and its heirs, successors, assigns, agents, prinicpals, subsidiaries, shareholders, board of directors, and the substitute mail carrier who delivers only on Thursdays, make no representations that utilization of the Check BoxTM will prevent your browser from crashing, especially if you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, Lynx, Mosiac, or any other web browsing software, whether purchased, leased, rented, pirated, found in a gutter, distributed on a free CD-ROM in the front window of your dry cleaner's store, or inherited from your great-aunt Maude after the unfortunate burro incident.

posted by Mike

Recycled LinkOoooh! Slick. Nicely done, Chris. W

After three days and several self-imposed false starts, I have once again become a LAN administrator - this time at home. My challenge was to link my new box -- which can run Adobe Photoshop while I'm using Blogger and listening to LaunchCast radio all at once!! -- to my old one, not only to share printer and other resources, but also our DSL connection. I deecided to use
Sybergen SyBase to get this done, and I highly recommend it. Now both of us can tap into the streaming media, even at once. Bad idea without earphones.

If you decide to try this hookup yourself, let me offer a helpful hint: Don't get confused about which cord is plugged into which ethernet card. You might spend thirteen hours terrified that you'd screwed up your DSL conncection irretrievably. If you don't think that could happen, I assure you - it could. W

While scanning online wedding announcements to use as exmaples, the love of my life found this story of true romance:

I do love you, Lev, but please stop writing about our romance on bathroom walls.
posted by Mike

Q: Why is the Clinton administration having such a hard time dealing with Elian Gonzalez?
A: The last time he decided where to put a Cuban, he got impeached.

posted by Mike

The Dave Matthews Band is coming to D.C. on July 19. We'll be going to see them. 'Nuff said. W

Recycled LinkAdam asks: "What about mimes?" Adam, yes, I would count mimes too. Finding them is the first step towards eradication. W

[April 6, 2000]

Well, nice and quick before Blogger goes down again: Do you need a good online reference for networking? Want to learn how to share a DSL or cable modem connection over your LAN? Go ask Tim Higgins - if you can't find the answer there, you'll likely find it in one of his links. I've had the site on heavy rotation while I set up a small LAN here at home. W

Wow. Back up and running. Just got a sweet new desktop machine... A Gateway system with 800mHz Pentium, 128MB RAM, and a hard drive that will take me at least three months to fill. Of course, my online presence will suffer a bit as I play with this baby offline. W

[April 5, 2000]

Wrong, Dan, on two counts, and off target on the third. First, I am suggesting that the Democrats hope for a disproportionately high response among their own supporters, those most likely to expect "their fair share of government funding," rather than the other way around. Second (well, actually third), during the course of my lifetime, "Swedish" hasn't been an option to check on the government's racial classification scheme, so I doubt Swedish migration data is coming from there. Even if it was, so what? That doesn't justify the government perpetuating the racial classification mindset. And back to your second point, since an actual enumeration of the population is required by the Constitution, I would gladly pay for census takers to go actually count each and every homeless person, wandering minstrel, or other resident without respect to race, creed, gender, or nation of origin. I would much rather my tax dollars go towards that mandated task than most of the garbage that came out of Congress between 1933 and 1994. W

[April 4, 2000]

The latest installment of Beltway Blogging: Lyn of Medley is apparently planning a relocation to DC in the near future. I'm sure I read that somewhere, and now can't find it!) W

I think it's surprising that John and I agree with Lyn and Amanda on our government's embarassing propaganda war promoting the Census. Quoth Lyn:

What schlock! 'Don't fill out the census, your house will burn down, and there'll be NO WATER to help fight the fire.' Allllrighty, then.

Of course, all this fear-mongering is no mystery - the Democratic administration realizes that, for the first time in several decades, this redistricting is in the hands of Republicans, so it's crucially important that they pump up tradional Democratic voter bases in the Census rolls to dampen the impact. the control of Congress for the next decade is on the line here - much more so than in the 2000 elections - and so they flood the airwaves with the desperate pleas. For what it's worth, the Clinton Administration's Census takers know that I'm here - but that's all.

By the way, the ads are not yet posted on AdCritic, so e-mail them and request the Census ads.

posted by Mike

Here's one way the Clinton-Gore Administration is trying to skew the Census numbers: racial pigeonholing.

Individuals who can claim African heritage and who check the "black" or "African-American" box on the 2000 Census -- even if they also check a second or third box -- will be reported solely as "black" or "African-American." So much for not being monoracially pigeonholed.

Is anyone surprised?

posted by Mike

Dan argues that freedom is not a zero-sum game: giving additional freedom to one person does not take it away from others. To a point, this is true - my freedom to swing my arms ends at the tip of your nose. This is where government comes in to play, as noted by Adam, when he observes that "by giving more power to the government, you take some of everyone's freedom away."  W

I will post, in the near future, my response to Dan's challenge regarding the difference between Democrats and Socialists. In the meantime, use the handy SelectSmart site to compare the Democratic and Socialist presidential candidates to see where they differ. W

[as told by Chip of Hillrats]

posted by Mike

Monday's Washington Times reports that George Bush leads Al Gore in the electoral college vote count for election 2000. Not surprisingly, Gore leads in the Northeast, while Bush runs strong in the West and South. This race will likely be decided in Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Coincidentally, or not, all four states have Republican governors who are plausible VP picks for Bush. W

[April 3, 2000]

This morning on DC101, the DJ told how, among all the baseball games across the country today, nowhere was Al Gore asked to throw the first pitch:

He was kind of miffed, since he did, after all, invent baseball.
posted by Mike

I'm looking for a way to be my own SMTP server from my desktop. Does anyone know if this is feasible? I'm currently on a DSL and running Win95 but expect to upgrade to a new OS fairly soon. For example, this product seems appealing. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. (And thanks, I've already got POP accounts flowing out the wazoo...) W

Again, DC-centric: The vibrant mind behind Genehack has re-located to D.C. John, if you've settled in well enough to read this, drop me a line and maybe we can get together for drinks or lunch or some other consumption-oriented social function. W

[April 2, 2000]

Finally! I made the leap from AOL and became the master of my domain. Thanks for making the leap with me - I know it's a pain to change bookmarks and links, but I hope it's worth it just this one time.

I'd like to give some credit where credit is due. First and foremost, a big tip of the hat to Shawn at Slightly North of Tomorrow for his help with the server and all related challenges.

Second, I'd like to thank the Blogger crew just for being hip and stylish. Oh, yeah, and for giving us this FREE (!!) web publishing tool. I've been dying to use it, especially since I'd occasionally like to blog from work, but my status as an AOL-lion prevented me from joining the revolution. I've been trying out the interface behind the scenes for a few days now, and I've got to say - it's all goodW

In a desperate attempt to be one of the cool kids, I engaged in a little photographic reflection. Warning! Do NOT view this if you are, or just finished, eating. W

The Clinton Legacy - first sitting President ever found to have committed a crime while in officeW

Recycled LinkMore beltway-oriented blogging: Phishtail has the best recounting I've seen yet about the recent epidemic of flying manhole covers in Northwest D.C. There's no good reason why this should be "beyond the fringe of the weblogger community."  W
