[July 29, 2000]
The Bush campaign plans to win where Republicans have not won in the last few elections, storming through Democratic strongholds on his way to Philadelphia.
A new Gallup survey conducted for Time Magazine this week showed Bush leading by 16 points while a CNN/USA Today poll put the margin at 11. A Newsweek pool released on Saturday had Bush's lead at seven points.
Let the bounce begin. W
[July 28, 2000]
Gotta say this: a big congrats to Zannah, the new Mrs. TheJames, but goodness, girl, give it a rest. Even I didn't blog on my honeymoon. W
Which party booted an African American woman from its convention delegation? The Democrites. Why? Because she skewed their race and gender quotas. No word yet on whether she'll join the more inclusive party. Hell, we're so inclusive, we've even invited a few Democrats and even agreed to have some as featured speakers. Democrites, on the other hand, still practice the politics of divison, by imposing quotas, putting up barriers between rich and poor, and promoting the interests of government over the interests of freedom - even at their own convention. W
How's this for luck? You're a software comapny in 1995. You register your URL. In the summer of 2000, your weekly hits go from 600 visitors a week to a high of 120,403 per week. You thank your lucky stars you named your business Survivor Software. W
[July 27, 2000]
Well, I'm back from the bar. I never, ever, ever, want to do that again, at least not in Virginia. The essay portion tests on twenty-two different subjects, each of which normally consume an entire semester of law school. I had to learn most of these topics (since they are virtually all Virginia-centric) in the space of the last two months, all while maintaining my hectic blogging schedule. Most states, by comparison, test only six to twelve subjects, and they're much less... shall we say, traditional... than some of the laws we have in the Commonwealth. In short, other states give much easier tests. Did I mention that the Roan-ICK Civic center lost power twice on the first day? They ended up giving us extra hour to finish. Blech. Now I just have to sit and wait until October to get my results. Double blech. In the meantime, enjoy some of the links I’ve found, entered below, and watch as I eat some crow on my VP pick… W
Under the surface of the ever-present four-point popularity divide, the polls don't look good for Gore:
Beyond the horse race, some of the numbers seem ominous for Vice President Gore.... Republican pollster Linda DiVall said voters in general don't see Gore as a strong leader, and therefore they don't credit him even for accomplishments the White House has touted for years. For example, she said, they usually attribute the strong economy to smart business executives or Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan.
Maybe the people are smarter than we thought. W
You hear a lot of bellyaching from Democrats that their liberal activist judges aren't getting rubber-stamped by the Senate as quickly they would like. Rarely do you hear the hard facts. Now you can, in this analysis of the so-called vacancy crisis. W