[September 9, 2000]
I'm looking forward to some excellent alma mater football today. First, the Northwestern Wildcats take on Duke. Although it's not on TV, I'm listening to the streaming radio broadcast from Chicago radio station WGN. Right now, the 'Cats are up 17-5 in the second quarter.
Later tonight, I'm hooking up with some of my buds to go watch the Seminoles pound Georgia Tech into insect paste, continuing their march to yet another national title.
If it weren't for the whole "getting cold again" aspect of it, I'd really enjoy the fall. W
[September 8, 2000]
Don't forget tonight. Why are you reading this? Come get a beer! W
Thirteen House Democrats switched their votes to sustain President Clinton's veto of legislation that would have repealed the federal death tax. They are:
California Reps. Joe Baca, Anna G. Eshoo, Tom Lantos, and Zoe Lofgren; Colorado Rep. Mark Udall; Florida Reps. Allen Boyd and Peter Deutsch; New Jersey Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr.; and New York Reps. Michael R. McNulty and Nydia M. Velazquez... [and] local Reps. Albert R. Wynn, Maryland Democrat, and James P. Moran, Virginia Democrat.
If you live in one of their districts, you can contact them and demand to know why they would have changed their minds in the intervening weeks. W
Trademark law strikes again! A judge has ordered strip club Adult Depot take down a sign which is a knock-off of that other famous tool-oriented establishment, Home Depot.
And the strip club and sex paraphernalia stores in Boynton Beach and Lake Worth also must stop using the likeness of the Atlanta-based Home Depot's tool-clad mascot, Homer.
Insert your own Black & Decker joke here. W
[September 7, 2000]
Save the date! (I've got it entered on my Visor) On November 8, liberal apologist Bill Press will eat this column for incorrectly predicting a Gore victory. (link also from Lyn) W
Quoth Lyn:
[Scott of TOS is] not calling Bush a promise-breacher for using the word 'asshole' but for being nasty when he promised to be nice. How does that make Gore the hypocrite in this instance? Twisted logic.
I respectfully disagree with Lyn that Bush's use of the word "asshole" about a reporter, in what was meant to be a private remark, is a breach of Bush's promise to change the tone of the campaign. If he had intended for the remark to be public, or if he had said it about Gore in any setting, I would agree that Bush had gone back on his word. But by all accounts from those who know the reporter in question, he really is an asshole.
And interestingly enough, the fame of Bush's comment has effectively neutralized anything that reporter might say about him in the future, since he would obviously have great difficultly remaining impartial from here on out. W
[September 6, 2000]
Now, just some of my faves. W
[September 5, 2000]
More on Dennis Miller's lovely cultural references during Monday Night Football. W
From Dan: HOAXBUSTERS Home Page, for when you just can't get rid of a nasty meme in your inbox. W
Friday night. Rock Bottom Brewery in Ballston. Be there. W
I'm just flattered to be included. Shades of kottke. W
Would you accept a free web design from these people? Me neither. W
[September 4, 2000]
I'm in the middle of watching tonight's Monday Night Football for the first time this season since the injection of snark-master Dennis Miller. The game itself is pretty good - both the Rams and the Broncos in the first half have been putting up some decent numbers. Miller, on the other hand, makes his regular season debut sounding like a nervous thirteen-year old working up the nerve to approach Anna Kournikova, tripping all over himself, interjecting at the wrong times, and doing everything short of soiling his pants to embarrass himself.
When he whips out canned lines like "that trainer used more fabric than the the artist Christo when he wrapped the Pont-Neuf" all I can do is smack my forehead and shout at the TV, "Come ON!" In that booth, Miller is as useless as a supernumerary nipple. He's fumbled more times than a third-string tailback with a neurological disorder. Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. W
Jennifer Carroll, Republican candidate for Florida's 3rd Congressional District in Jacksonville, is beating incumbent Corrine Brown in straw polls. Read the article to learn the least important thing about this former naval officer. W
I'm really going to be short of blogging material when Al Gore is no longer in the public eye. W
Al Gore is still trying to weasel out of debates to which he's already accepted invitations, he prefers the arbitrary Commission on Presidential Debates.
"My opponent has said he'll debate me any time, anyplace, and he has accepted the debates that I'm accepting today," Bush said.... To underline his point, Bush showed a videotape clip of Gore asking Russert on "Meet the Press" on July 16, "Have you gotten a 'yes' from Governor Bush yet?" Bush also showed a clip of Gore saying on "Larry King Live" on March 14, "I accept. I accept."
Let that be a lesson, Al: don't bluff unless you're prepared to get called on it. W