[December 9, 2000]

The U.S. Supreme Court stops the madness. Justice Scalia, concurring: [PDF]

Count first, and rule upon legality afterwards, is not a recipe for producing election results that have the public acceptance democratic stability requires. Another issue in the case, moreover, is the propriety, indeed the constitutionality, of letting the standard for determination of voters’ intent - dimpled chads, hanging chads, etc. - vary from county to county, as the Florida Supreme Court opinion, as interpreted by the Circuit Court, permits.

Scalia also noted that Petitioner Bush has a "substantial probability of success" in the eyes of the majority of the Court. The Florida Supreme Court is looking at another trip to the woodshed. W

Clinton passes the buck on the death penalty. W

[December 7, 2000]

Campbell's Chunky - Click for CansW

Sean sez: The Florida Legislature will convene Friday to give the state's 25 electoral votes to GW Bush.

Wrong! (with all due respect, of course) They will convene to confirm the slate of electors which has already been certified by the state.  W

As a final insult to our nation, the Clinton-Gore adminsitration will issue 30,000 pages of new federal regulations as the door hits them in the rear on they way out. W

Recycled LinkFrom Powazek: web-based message coding at pixelLabW

Tales of Republican Thuggery, from someone who was actually there, unlike some webloggers I know who claim to be authorities on what happened.

There was no rioting, punching, kicking, or thuggery, as alleged by the New York Times, Joseph Lieberman, David Bonior, and Paul Begala. According to Jerold Nadler's keen olfactory senses, a "whiff of fascism" was in the air. Al Gore has since called it "organized intimidation." Speaking of fascism, six Democrat House Representatives have written a letter to Janet Reno's Justice Department requesting an investigation into our expression of free speech under the Racketeering, Influence and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO).

When a group of Democrats raise a political objection, it's a protest. when Republicans raise a political objection, it's a mob. Yeah, right. I think the real difference is that the Democrats think the Republican protests changed soemthing, and they're jealous because their protests never do. The only real difference is perceived effectiveness.

For those who think the Repblican protests in Miami-Dade were a riot, I ask you this: name one person who has publicly come forward and claimed to have been "punched" or "kicked" or harmed in any way. You can't - because none exist except in the imagination of Paul Begala and the New York Times. [no link - let 'em get their own readers.] W

[December 5, 2000]

A couple of my friends made it into this AP article on politically mixed couples. They're oh-so-adorable. W

Strom Thurmond turns 98, and asks his lawyers to put the finishing touches on litigation regarding his 1948 run for President.  W

[December 4, 2000]

I rolled on the floor laughing when I read Ann Coulter's translation of today's Supreme Court ruling:

The Supreme Court had to water down its denunciation of the kangaroo court to achieve unanimity, refraining, for example, from calling it a kangaroo court.

If you'll excuse me, I must now go dry-clean my pants. W

Happy Blog Day to QW

On Saturday, Sean wondered what might happen if I stole the election. Hey, cool idea. I'll get my people working right on it. Hey, does someone have David Boies' phone number? W

Get the U.S. Supreme Court's opinion in Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Commission. [PDF file] Some of the other records from the Florida Election Cases are available as well. W

[December 3, 2000]

I've finally done it, and just in time for Christmas (if you order by Dec. 12): Perpetual Beta t-shirts are now available at CafePress.comW

Recycled LinkFrom the Duck: Palm Beach Voter Competency Test. I passed. W

I'm watching the court proceedings in the Florida election contest, and it's official: if I ever find myself in desperate legal trouble, Barry Richard is the lawyer I would turn to. W
