[December 15, 2000]

Hey! It's "a Netscape 4 friendly mirror site of weblogs.com" that actually loads quickly: fast.WebLogs.Com W

My favorite search engine hit of the week: "kangaroo court."  W

Sorry for the brain dump. It's easy for me to read and save links while at work, but much harder for me to actually write anything about them. W

A boy sets a house on fire while huffing gasoline and smoking cigarettes.

A teen-ager was injured Thursday morning after he set his sister's house on fire while huffing gasoline, according to police and fire reports... he had passed out while huffing gasoline in the laundry room and dropped his cigarette onto the floor.

Evolution in action. W

It's a sad state of affairs for the Democratic party:

When Bill Clinton and Al Gore took office in 1993, Democrats held a 58-42 majority in the Senate, a 262-173 majority in the House, and controlled 30 governorships and a majority of the state legislatures.

It amazes me that Bill Clinton has been so loudly praised for "modernizing" the Democratic party. Funny, my thesaurus doesn't show "modernize" as a synonym for "destroy." W

Deroy Murdock wonders why the Liberal Left is so damned mean, and why the Right lets them off the hook for it. W

Jesse Jackson calls Bush:

Bush took a call late yesterday morning from Jesse L. Jackson, who rallied opposition to Bush during the Florida recount dispute and plans to continue his protests. The two men spoke about the "need to bring the nation together" and pledged to meet to discuss election reforms, Bush aides said.

What happened to "Stay out da Bushes?" W

[December 14, 2000]

The Democrites just didn't learn from the campaign debates. Since Election Day, they've all been wailing about what a miserable failure Bush will be as President, gleefully root for a recession to blame on him, continue to call him stupid, warn of legislative gridlock unless he accedes to the liberal left's legislative agenda. The chance that such tactics will scare Bush into giving away the farm are slim.

But it is very likely that these dire warnings will lower the bar even further for President-elect Bush. John Fund thinks that Bush will be able to score some substantial bi-partisan reforms right out of the gate - exposing the Chicken Little warnings for what they are. The public, having been warned by the Democrites to expect deadlock, will be ecstatic at Bush's record, and send him and Congressional Republicans back to Washington in record numbers. W

Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger feud in public. I wonder if the "tinpot tyrant" throws stones at his wife, too. W

[December 13, 2000]

Robert Alt on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling:

When you read the two provisions together, the decision is clear: the recount procedures that the Florida supreme court established are unconstitutional, and by the Florida supreme court's own admission, the deadline for fashioning remedies was December 12th.

Effectively, the Court held that Florida's Supreme Court so badly screwed up the recount process that it was impossible to fix within the requirements of the Constitution.

One of the most puzzling things I've heard lately - and simultaneously, my favorite liberal whine - is that a state's violation of equal protection requirements in an election for U.S. President is somehow a state issue. By contrast, our educational system (for example) should be managed from Washington, D.C. It just goes to show that the Left never has and never will understand states' rights or federalism. W

John Fund:

In the wake of Tuesday's definitive U.S. Supreme Court decision, Al Gore's partisans may claim that they would have won a "full and complete" recount of Florida's 45,000 "undervoted" ballots. But that's a myth. Mr. Gore would not have won a fair statewide recount.

But Democrites will continually tell you otherwise. W

The Opinion. [pdf] W

[December 11, 2000]

All the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments might turn out to be much ado about nothing:

At first glance, the Florida Supreme Court's decision to order a manual recount of thousands of ballots looked like good news for Al Gore, but a fresh analysis of voting data on Saturday showed that the Democrat actually may lose ground to Republican George W. Bush.

Of course, this flatly contradicts the convential "wisdom" of the Democrites who just know that Al really won. W

NRO reprints the dissent of Chief Justice Wells:

Judicial restraint in respect to elections is absolutely necessary because the health of our democracy depends on elections being decided by voters — not by judges. We must have the self-discipline not to become embroiled in political contests whenever a judicial majority subjectively concludes to do so because the majority perceives it is "the right thing to do." . . . A lack of self-discipline in being involved in elections, especially by a court of last resort, always has the potential of leading to a crisis with the other branches of government and raises serious separation-of-powers concerns.

Wells also raised doubts that the majority opinion would meet muster under the U.S. Constitution - doubts which we now know are well-grounded. W

[December 10, 2000]

Every time I read Lyn I get a sinking feeling that she habitually reads some of the most irresponsible, sky-is-falling, race-baiting "journalists" on the planet.  W
