Stealing sucks, but it looks like the company in question has taken the page down. Well, at least Matt knows where to find a good lawyer if he needs one. W
The new job is great, but it's totally kicking my ass. Hence, three updates in a week. Sorry for that, all you who must surely have been missing me for these past few weeks, but maybe I'll have a chance this weekend to expound at length on SXSW and Ireland. And oh yeah... pictures coming "soon." W
Protecting the "look and feel" of web sites, on
Generally speaking, "look and feel" are no longer protectable under the copyright system, now often being the subject of patent protection. In other words, when a client says, "I want to copyright my Web site so that no one else can copy the idea," this may be an indication that the client needs to consider patent protection. Likewise, trademark issues will also typically be present in a comprehensive protection program for a Web site.
This struggle is one of the reasons companies like Amazon feel the need to patent ideas like "One-Click" - although from the public's point of view, patent is preferable to copyright since it generally expires more quickly. W
Rick says:
[A]ll those moderates who voted for a Bush/Cheney ticket they thought was going to be more centrist, are going to feel betrayed, and in 2002 they will vote for Democrats and in 2004 the U.S. will have had its second Bush that could only muster a single term.
I totally disagree. First, Bush has run from day one as a conservative - a compassionate one, yes, but he has embraced the conservative label during his entire campaign.
Second, his father lost not because he was too conservative, but because he wasn't conservative enough. Poppa Bush's voters wanted a third Reagan term, and were deeply disappointed by what they got. Our current president is not going to make that mistake, and he will be re-elected provided he can get the economy back on track despite the resistance of Senate Democrats like Tom Daschle - whose agenda clearly flies in the face of his consevative South Dakota constituency.
Third, those voters who disagree with Bush already have Democratic Congressional representation for the most part - overlay that famous county map with a Congressional district map and you'll see exactly what I mean. With redistricting and control of the White House bully pulpit, the GOP stands to gain at least 15 and possibly as many as 30 seats in the House and to re-establish firm control of the Senate in 2002, then go on to re-elect this President and put to rest once and for all the liberal harping about a "mandate." W
Thanks again to both Sean and Kevin for blog-sitting while Dineen and I were away. Those of you who came here looking for sharp political commentary were not disappointed, and those of you who come here looking for half-witted politcal commentary (you know who you are) got more than you bargained for.
Both Ireland and Austin were fantastically rewarding experiences, and I'm going to be putting up pictures and stories as soon as I can. (I'll need some expert help with PHP - Julie, are you game?)
However, I've had another little surprise that will be absorbing a lot of my time for now, cutting into my web time. On a cell phone call from a balcony at the Austin Convention Center, I accepted a new job which I started yesterday, jet-lag notwithstanding. So my posting may be a little more sporadic for a while, at least until I settle in at work. But I'll do what I can. W
Ditto with Sean. Thanks for having me, Mike and Dineen, and allowing me to provide some much-need progressive perspective around here. ;) This ghost is fading back into the woodwork, until next time. I also look forward to hearing of your recent travels. W
My brief time as guest blogger here is done. Mike should be back posting in just a few hours. He'll tell us all about quaint Irish pubs, ancient Celtic songs he learned, and the Foot-and-Mouth Disease he transfered all across the Emerald Isle.
I want to thank Mike for letting me comment of the items of the day for his audience. I also want to thank Kevin for being a spirited sparring partner. And I want to thank all of you reading for putting up with me. I didn't get a single piece of hate mail, so I must have been saying something right. If you've discovered me via WOTFM? and can't get enough of my yapping, please visit The American Mind.
Thanks again, Mike. Will you be going away again anytime soon? W
Kevin, and his "progressive" friends will be quaking in their boots after reading this Washington Post story:
President Bush is quietly building the most conservative administration in modern times, surpassing even Ronald Reagan in the ideological commitment of his appointments, White House officials and prominent conservatives say.
As Bush fills out his sub-Cabinet and White House staff, he has turned to a large number of formidable intellectuals drawn from conservative think tanks, journals and law firms. The appointments have come as a surprise even to conservative leaders, who expected Bush, particularly after the disputed presidential election, to follow a centrist path closer to his father's.
I'm dancing a jig. W