May 11, 2001 

One of the worst things about working like a dog all the time - it's 8:30 in the evening and I'm just about to leave the office - is that I not only miss writing a blog, but reading them as well. W

 May 8, 2001 

Hey! He's still hanging aroundW

 May 7, 2001 

Tom Daschle has a remedy for the country's judicial needs:

"We just won't allow the vote," Daschle said in response to a reporter's question at a morning briefing. "We'll extend debate, and we can guarantee that they will not reach cloture," meaning the 60 votes necessary to break a filibuster and force action.

Now, the Democrats used to bellyache a lot about the so-called vacancy crisis, but now that the other party is doing the picking, it's just business as usualW

 May 6, 2001 

When I'm not at work (and even when I am) I've been fighting unusually high levels of Satan's invisible particles, also known as pollen. While I got hit pretty hard with allergies about three years ago, I've never had it this bad. Even my prescription medication is barley helping. My eyes itch ferociously, my sinuses have erected a permanent barricade against the outside world, and as a result of my meds, I'm dehydrated to the point parts of my body actually blow away as dust if the wind kicks up.

Well, maybe that's a wee exaggeration. But I'm not happy. Spring is usually my favorite time of year - just not like this. W

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