August 22, 2001 

Geocaching is so eight months agoW

Terry McAuliffe is an idiot. He feebly attempted to blame President Bush for having only the second-largest surplus ever.

The Democrats, in eight years, created a great surplus. It took George W. Bush eight months to blow it.

McAuliffe's fantasyland ignores the reality that the revenue and spending levels for 2001 were determined last October - before Bush took office. This President's budget won't be enacted until Ocober or later, and tax cuts will be phased in over the next ten years. So the blame for the shrinking budget belongs not to President Bush, but squarely on his predecessor.

Incidentally, we should ask McAuliffe what his plan would have been. Since I've never heard a Democrat advocate spending cuts, I'd be willing to bet that McAuliffe's plan includes a tax hike. When the voters realize that, "blow it" will have a new antecedent - the Dems' last feeble chances at the ballot box. W

 August 20, 2001 

Like Missy, Dineen has gotten hooked on Trading Spaces. Unfortunately, this means she must watch it when I'm around. It fascinates me like a gruesome car crash, but if any of people from that show ever come near my house, I will repel them with crossbows and boiling oil.

Brown felt? On the walls?? That's not design, it's revenge. W

 August 19, 2001 

So, if China were made part of an international global climate agreement, would they continue to lie about their production of greenhouse gasesW

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