September 8, 2001 

Sports news from the weekend: - College Football - Northwestern wins over UNLV W

 September 7, 2001 

Patrick got published at NRO, debunking the myth that the GOP can't woo the Latino vote.

But maybe Gimpel and Kauffman should have read the election statistics. Bush actually sliced a 51-point Clinton/Gore margin among Latinos in 1996 nearly in half, to 27 points.

Viva la Revolucion. W

Glenn says that Republican discontent with the Justice Department, which used to be dismissed as partisan sniping at Janet Reno, is a continuing symptom of a deeper problem: those in charge aren't really in charge.

ADVICE TO ASHCROFT: The career bureaucrats at Justice need to be brought under control.

Maybe it's time to clean house? W

 September 4, 2001 

Fray Day DC has been cancelled. We suck. W

Recycled LinkTwo cool new [to me] sites to bookmark: and clued me in. Conservatives and libertarians are finally starting to move to the web in droves - it may be time for a community group. W

Lyn points out the Pink Pistols, a group I thought I had linked to, but apparently not. The Pink Pistols are Second Amendment acitivsts who aim to "protect the firearm rights of the 'alternative sexuality' communities." Lyn says:

Probably not what the [right wing] have in mind when they talk about the right to bear arms, but that's just too bad!

On the contrary, it's mainly the liberals who get tied up in knots about this group, because they so neatly deflate most of the gun-banners' arguments. The Pink Pistols are exactly what the Second Amendment is about - the right of individuals to protect themselves from violence and tyranny. I pointed this out several months ago. Anyone who truly believes in the individual rights enshrined by the Second Amendment will welcome the Pink Pistols with open arms.

In further self-defense news, check out the Zeropolitics list of defensive firearm use storiesW

 September 3, 2001 

We were honored to attend this lovely wedding yesterday. Out of respect for the happy couple, all I will say is this: he sang beautifully, she positively glowed, and he did a fabulous job officiating. It was a wonderful ceremony befitting a wonderful couple, and we wish them the very best. W

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