May 1, 2002 

Oh, no - it's happened again. This time, has fallen into the hands of pirates. At least this one appears to be a mistake.

People, if you have a domain, and Network Solutions is your registrar, immediately transfer it to a better one - before someone else does it for you. W

 April 30, 2002 

Getting more search engine hits for Christie Kerr than I ever imagined were possible. Unfortunately for seekers of golf-related erotica, I have no nude pictures of her and if I did I wouldn't share them. W

From the e-mail bag:

If you get an envelope from a company called the "Internal Revenue Service," DO NOT OPEN IT!
This group operates a scam around this time every year. Their letter claims that you owe them money, which they will take and use to pay for the operation of essential functions of the United States government. This is untrue!
The money the IRS collects is used to fund various inefficient and pointless social engineering projects. This organization has ties to another shady outfit called the Social Security Administration, who claim to take money from your regular paychecks and save it for your retirement. In truth, the SSA uses the money to pay for the same misguided make-work projects the IRS helps mastermind. These scam artists have bilked honest, hard working Americans out of hundreds of billions of dollars. Don't fall for this scam!

Only you can prevent overtaxation. W

 April 29, 2002 

Recycled LinkVia Instapundit: Gun permits surge, but not violence.

Of course, anyone who's been a regular reader here could have predicted that. The only real surprise is that Michigan hasn't yet reported a sharp drop in crimeW

Recycled LinkMyths About Copyright from Eugene Volokh. Link via Bag and BaggageW

 April 28, 2002 

In case you needed it, here's another reason Hotmail sucks: anyone who gets a copy of your cookie can read all your e-mail - forever. W

If you want to more about Virginia Anti-Spam Law, there you go. W

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