This post rang quite true -- I've been doing the combine-our-whole-life-into-Quicken-and-isn't-it-scary! thing for a few months now -- but it also reminded me of a nagging problem that I can't seem to figure out. Three years of law school, ten loans, all with different interest rates (which also can vary). Oh, and did I mention that they aren't set up to do equal payments over ten years, but rather interest-only payments for two years and then larger payments for the later 8 years. How do I get all this info to work in Quicken without having to manually enter the compounding interest into ten accounts each month? Is it even possible? If you clever kids out there have a solution, let me know. W
Work is still kicking my ass, with no end in sight. Of course, I work hard, so that I can earn more, which I then cheerfully surrender to the government. Screw that. W