[December 2, 2000]

Looking for a Who's Who in Who's New on Capitol Hill?
Check out the freshmen at Hillzoo.comW

This Sunday, the Travel Channel is featuring 101 Things to do Before You Die. Most of theirs are travel related - I find that I've done about seven of them (Walk the Great Wall of China, visit Stonehenge, and a handful of others.)

I haven't compiled a list of my own yet, but one thing that would be near the top for me is to argue - and win - a case before the U.S. Supreme Court. What's on your listW

[December 1, 2000]

Day Without Weblogs II
posted by Mike

[November 30, 2000]

I have Gore fatigue. W

[November 27, 2000]

A Swing and a Whiff:

Al wants to make sure that we can teach our children that every vote counts. Of course, this is why Al Gore, defender of democracy, has called for an investigation of the smokes-for-votes scandal in Milwaukee, demanded hand recounts in every precinct nationwide that used punch-card ballots, and called for United Nations observers to oversee the recounts. Wait… you mean he hasn’t done these things?

...in the MinistryW

From the email:

In the sunken Russian sub, divers today found 8 more bodies, 3 more notes and 17 Florida absentee ballots marked for Gore.

Yes, my friends may be demented, but at least they're funny. W

Gore's formula for winning requires that every vote be counted - except the ones he wants thrown out.

As the Democrats see it, Gore should have picked up 157 votes from Miami-Dade County and another 215 votes from Palm Beach County. On top of that, Democrats argue that 174 overseas absentee ballots that went to Bush should have been disqualified. When the 372 uncounted Gore votes are added to his certified total and the 174 Bush votes are subtracted from his final count, Gore comes out ahead by nine votes.

Every time you hear a Democrat, whether it's Al Gore, Joe Lieberman, Barbara Boxer, Charlie Rangel, Tom Daschle, or Dick Gephardt, say that they want to count every vote, just remember the number 174. W

I'm sure that the nutjobs currently hooting about the 12th Amendment will be disappointed to find out that Dick Cheney currently "inhabits" McLean, Virginia. I've already discussed why the argument has no merit. [original nutjob link courtesy of KevinW

One man who's really risen to the top in all of this has been outgoing Montana Governor Marc Racicot. He was on TV all weekend explaining why the recount process was so flawed, in a calm, articulate, and utterly convincing way. This term-limited governor, a former state prosecutor and attorney general, has a very bright future after his debut on the national scene. With his term ending in january, look for him to take a featured role in the coming Bush administration. I wouldn't be too surprised to see him tapped for a very high-level post in the Department of Justice, maybe the highest. W

[November 26, 2000]

George W. Bush declares victory and calls for common ground. The Gore camp gears for an uphill battle.

The odds against Vice President Gore moving into the White House have never looked longer... No certified Florida election result has ever been overturned in the contest procedure Gore is about to launch.

At this point, the Gore team is trying not to shift the outcome of the count before it concludes, but seeking to overturn the results of Florida's election certified in compliance with the mandate of the Florida Supreme Court. His energy might be better spent helping the Baldwins pack for their move out of the country. W

Correction: Lyn thinks she knows who won. Apparently, my earlier entry was quoting out of context, distorting, and misleading - which is why I linked to her statement so you could judge for yourself. W
