April 6, 2001 

The scene: Friday night, just before 7:00pm. Mike sits in his office awaiting the start of a client conference call that should last at least an hour, maybe more.

Be careful what you wish for - you just might get it. W

 April 4, 2001 

OK. In my oh-so-abundant free time, I want to create a PHP program that will read an XML file, parse data like filenames and text fields which are suitably marked therein, and then dynamically generate an HTML page. This should be no trick for someone who knows PHP, but I don't. Will you help meW

Sounds tasteless to me... W

 April 3, 2001 

Due to a nasty little bit of food-poisoning acquired Sunday night (let's just say that anything I tried to ingest Monday found the emergency exits located at the front AND rear of the plane...) I was totally sacked out Monday and missed a chance for a bit of self-serving retrospective. On April 2, 2000, the Perpetual Beta domain opened its doors and WOIFM became a Blogger-driven page. Since then, I've had some highs and lows, some fasts and slows, and there's no way I'm gonna stop now.

Yeah, I'm getting my ass kicked with work and biological system failures, but once I stop working weekends and get my schedule back under control you'll see a bit more of me aroun here. Yeah, I know - promises, promises. W

Confirmation Countdown: A weekly countdown on progress being made to fill nearly 500 Senate-confirmed positions in the Bush administration's Cabinet and sub-Cabinet - see if there's anyone you know on the list. (by the Brookings InstitutionW

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