Oh, Archie! Carroll O'Connor, best known for his role as Archie Bunker, died yesterday of a heart attack at age 76. In his later years, O'Connor took an active role in fighting drug abuse, which claimed the life of his son Hugh in 1995. W
Why not kick a man when he's down? Visit the TorricelliDeathWatch.com. No word yet on whether the Italian American Defense League plans to file suit against the Senator for reinforcing the stereotype of crooked Italians. W
Lura takes on Lichtman in her latest entry. She argues that Lichtman doesn't care about the Democratic party - he cares about getting a little press:
Alan Lichtman is a publicity whore, and a popinjay. I cannot count on my fingers and toes how many times the history lounge was closed to students as a result of a television interview with Lichtman. If he got a haircut, we knew that he'd be appearing on CNN that day. But he'd talk to anyone with journalist credentials.... It could be a mid-term election for PTA Bake Sale Co-President and he'd discuss his opinion with the press.
His findings regarding Florida sure achieved that, didn't they? Now they've gotten him the front page of the Washington Times. Mission accomplished, professor. W
Republicans increased their majority in the House of Representatives Tuesday with Randy Forbes' victory in Virginia's Fourth District.
The district has been hard to win for Republicans. Former President Bill Clinton twice won the district, as did former Democratic Senator Charles S. Robb, who lost to Republican George F. Allen last fall. But in that same election, President Bush carried the district.
Forbes replaces recently-deceased Rep. Norman Sisisky. W
The recent Civil Rights Commission Report on Florida voting rights was conducted by Alan Lichtman, a history professor at American University. Some fun facts about Lichtman:
Just a few things to consider, when reflecting on the common wisdom that Democrats play fair and Republicans don't. W
That "something cool" I mentioned last week? It's here. I have spent the last two weeks supplementing my career as a man of leisure by learning PHP and rudimentary XML to produce the photo gallery for our trip to SxSW 2001 last March. Now, enjoy the show. W
It's no secret now that California is facing a severe power shortage and soaring electricity prices to boot. Rolling blackouts that hit the state late last year are very likely to continue this summer for who knows how long. What's a frustrated power consumer to do?
Washington Post reporter Natalie Hopkinson wants to send a message:
We damn sure are not about to let white folks buy up all the property in D.C.
The article and its title speak for themselves.
We saw Atlantis this weekend. Not the splendor of Disney movie musicals past -- and there were some definite holes in the story -- but the actual time in Atlantis was the best part. Here's part of the reason why. W
How cool is it that I work with this guy?
It has always seemed to me that one thing Republicans are all about, especially when it comes to education, is local control rather than Federal mandates. Right? Then I cannot, for the life of me, understand why the Senate passed an amendment to the education bill which bans giving federal funds to school districts which deny the use of their facilities to the Boy Scouts.
The answer, of course, is that the party that controls the Senate allowed it to happen. Hint: It ain't the GOP. W